The most common reason I have found for early u/s is infertility. I had a couple of clients in the Seattle who were undergoing fertility treatment and they had weekly u/s plus serial HCG titres done by the fertility clinic routinely. These were IVF clients I seem to recall. Both of these ladies transferred care to our midwifery clinic once their pregnancy was established. For one of these women the u/s had become very reassuring so when at 10 weeks we were unable to detect a heartbeat with a doppler (also u/s , I know) she requested being sent back to the clinic for a vaginal u/s despite our advice, all was ok and she went on to have a lovely birth. So, maybe this OB is a fertility specialist? The only other reasons I know of for doing a Vaginal u/s would be suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy and to accurately date the pregnancy for an abortion. marilyn
----- Original Message -----
To: list
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Vaginal ultrasounds

There is an obstetrician in Perth who routinely performs vaginal ultrasound in his rooms before 12 weeks gest.  Is this an accepted practice and what would the reasons be for such a practice? MM 

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