Hi Jo,
I agree that professionals (often docs) don't listen to mothers enough 
about dates of conception, instead relying on u/s dates.  And this is the 
beginning of negating the mother's experience and knowledge of her pregancy 
as far as I'm concerned.  Where I work an LMP date almost seems superfluous 
to the docs. However, I always feel like my job is easier when mothers are 
certain about their LMP dates and when they had intercourse.  Just a 
reminder though that the date of intercourse in not necessarily the date of 
conception.  Remember sperm can live up to seven days in the reproductive 
tract so there is still window of seven days where conception could 
occur.  That said, if a mother is certain of dates that is what I use for 
dating pregnancy over u/s. Just had to get in my .02 cents worth of 
biological info.......

Meaghan Moon
Manitoba, Canada

At 11:57 AM 9/8/02 +0930, you wrote:
>With my last child the doctor whom I was seeing to get into the bc for a 
>vbac (yeah right!) asked me when my LNMP was and I was able to tell him 
>the date we conceived.  He questioned that and said "I think you are a 
>couple of weeks out there".  Now my hubby had gone to Sydney for a few 
>weeks and we only has sex once before he left and due the limited 
>opportunity allowed by our other children, the time before was a long and 
>distant memory....(imposed celibacy or sibling contraception don't you 
>love it!  I am sure it is just a survival technique to ensure no more rivals!)
>ANYWAY......this doctor would not take the fact that I knew when I 
>conceived so I ended up asking him if he was hiding under the bed when 
>Dean and I had sex?  He went red and promptly went on to tell me that "I 
>didn't look good on paper to be in the birth centre"
>on the topic of Vag US, there is a private OB here who has an astronomical 
>cs rate and surprise surprise she gives vag US every visit...
>Jo Bainbridge
>founding member CARES SA
>phone: 08 8388 6918
>birth with trust, faith & love...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Justine Caines
>To: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>OzMid List
>Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 11:17 AM
>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Vaginal ultrasounds
>They are routine where I work too... the obs use them to get more accurate 
>dating.  Eventhough most women know pretty much exactly the date of their 
>LNMP... he still does it, to make sure.
>Hi Jo and all
>Another furphy I suggest, as a vaginal US would be able to estimate the 
>size of the foetus better I assume but still only place it against the 
>averages of gestational sizes that US is based on, hence the +/- 2 weeks 
>stuff.  The routine totally unnecessary use of US is the catalyst to the 
>induction craze.  Women must be told their due date, hang knowing their 
>own body, just throw it into the computer of averages!!
>As a consumer I get so sick of women needing to be told  everything, 
>totally discounting their role as the maker and birther of a baby!!  At 
>the same time I m branded as a lunatic for taking responsibility of my 
>body and baby.  Funny thing is that after this total abdication of 
>responsibility in pregnancy and birth women are meant to fit back into 
>society as normal citizens taking responsibility for themselves and baby 
>(is this why we have so many post natal problems, women are lulled into a 
>false sense of security and then on Day 6 postnatally whammo!). The notion 
>of personal responsibility totally consistent with health policy for the 
>last 10 years, but policy makers and governments refuse to hold obstetrics 
>to account.
>I sincerely hope we are at the edge with the current PI crisis and NMAP 
>helping to transform maternity services in this country.
>A little rattled this morning
>Mum and responsible for Ruby nearly 3, Clancy 18 months and Will 2 months

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