Hi Mary - do you know when the women are given these consent forms? ie
antenatally, or just before an intended procedure? Are they discussed in
birth education classes? This is interesting and I agree - well done KEMH.

In QLD there was such a hoo ha about the use of water during labour and
birth and a call for a very detailed consent form for women to be read and
signed many months prior to the labour and birth, but not so much detail nor
any hoo ha for forms about the pros and cons and IMPLICATIONS for women who
have the much more familiar and readily available, accessible and accepted
epidural. I wonder will epidurals be included with forceps, etc.

Regards, Lynne
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] hi there _ question regarding induction

> Jackie, the labour will be more efficient (and less harmful) if the
> hormones work in the right sequence.  We only have one synthetic  hormone,
> sytocinon to FORCE the uterus to work in induction.  If prostaglandin gel
> used to soften the cervix, there are other complications possible (some
> serious). One never knows how big a baby will be until it is born, not
> with U/S. and the woman's body is a wondrous thing when allowed to work in
> it's own way.You have already birthed a big baby for the first birth and
> that one is the hardest.   It is very interesting that  KEMH now have a
> of consent forms for women in the case of induction, forceps,etc which
> clearly talks about the complications of the proposed treatment.  All
> hospitals should have them!  (well done KEMH).  I am not sure that it
> cut the rates of induction, but at least women would know before- hand.
> --
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