Oh, Woe!
I find the term, 'boob' for breast aaaarrgh. Booby trap, booby prize. I like the term Breast.
My mother was concerned that I was eating snails, shell and all. The doctor's answer: Give her more meat. I stopped eating snails and cut my teeth on chop bones. I fare well on meat for breakky (real meat, not snags). Do not digest carbohydrates well, and lentils etc I cannot tolerate at all, mind you, I've been exposed to Agent Orange etc during the Vietnam War. There is no diet suitable for all.
I agree with the eating disorder thing. That's how I became overweight...she's too skinny. Oops. too fat.
When Rosie was very little, we had house guests who spent a weekend attempting to force feed her with the aeroplane bit. She clearly decided that was a good way to get a word in between her five year old brother and her tired mother. After a week or so, I took Leslie aside and concocted a plan.
At dinner, when she was playing with her food, I said, fine, you don't want it, here, Leslie you have half and I'll have half. We ate her dinner to the astonished cries. Well, you didn't want it, we said and cleared the table. Next day, Rosie ate her dinner happily. When she announced she was full, I said, fine, then stop eating. At fourteen and eight months, Rosie is the picture of health, neither fat nor skinny, rarely a pimple, does well at everything and is a delight to have around. Leslie at almost nineteen, laments the fact that can no longer eat quite as much as he used to! Poor chap, must be awful not to have to eat $100 worth of food a week!
Shut me up!

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