We have a hypnobirthing practitioner in our area, who had her first baby a
couple of years ago. She had a 3 day labour to the birth of a little baby
girl - popping up to the local hospital for the last hour. She was 5-6 cms
about 18hours before baby came.

I have a few comments tho - this women basically laboured on her bed,
concentrating/hypnobirthing with each contraction. I would have to wonder if
this style of labour, being 'not active' is partly why she had such a long
labour. And by taking herself away from feeling the pain, did she not also
lengthen her labour ? By that I mean that when labour gets tough and feisty,
most women want to get on with it and birth their babies.

This woman had come to my birth group and talked to us about hypnobirthing
ans shown us an American video of such - women always on the bed, mostly on
their back or side.

I guess I am not too happy if the women I deal with wish to divert their
minds from the tough work of labour, but I can acknowledge that maybe we've
come such a full circle to do with scaring women totally about the pain of
labour,  that we have a new generation of women who feel they need to escape
the pain of birth. And as many have said, rather hypnobirthing than an
epidural or aother chemical pain relief.

I do not mean to insult or judge, but I have experienced a pain free labour
which was a total gift - the two after that were as painful as expected.

Sue Cookson

> I've been following the discussion about hypnobirthing with interest as
> this is a topic I wrote about in one of my Diary entries back in September.
> I won't go into my reservations here, but you can read what I have said here:
> http://www.birthinternational.com/diary/index.html
> Look for the entry on September 17 (click on the calendar date)
> I expect that this will fuel the discussion a bit more....
> Andrea
> -----
> Andrea Robertson
> Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
> web: www.birthinternational.com
> --
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