Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] 3rdStage Feedback
Hi Denise,
Obviously in my practice in attendance at homebirths I offer normal physiological third stage. In over 200 homebirths I have given synto 3 times, with no maternal transfers for blood loss.
At Mullumbimby Hospital, which is a level 1A hospital with 3 birth rooms, it is fairly standard that no routine oxytocin is administered, but the GP's tend to wait for the first separation bleed and then pull the placentas out with controlled cord traction - often 5-10 minutes after the birth. Some women are therefore transferred out to higher level hospital care for 3rd stage haemorrhages. In the larger hospitals near us, oxytocin is negotiable, but with varying degrees of bullying if the decision is made to birth without it.
Hope this helps,

Dear Ozmid list,
I need to know or get some feedback about the prevelance of physiological third stage in Australia.
That is are women being offered the option of birthing their placentas with out an oxytocic injection in Australain hospitals
and is it standard practice to give women informed choice about this in homebirths (as I understand it)

Personal expereinces of situations and protocols would be appreciated

Thank you

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