Ditto Mary!
On another tack, I have been tidying up my emails, and you asked me (a little while ago now, sorry) about the Side By Side conference, which went well, except for one presentation, and those who went will know what I am talking about(!). We don't have it on video, but there are copies of the CD with everyone's presentations (Powerpoint) on it.
We would like to continue on with a conference every two years - so much happening inmaternity care, and private sector care issues are challenging for midwives to say the least!
Regards, Lynne
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] 3rdStage Feedback

Where did that man get his statistics?  If it applied to my practice I would have dead women all over the place! MM
.'" He told me that 10-15% of women that don't have the injection die from PPH.. "

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