"At our hospital when a 3rd stage is 'actively managed' it means 30 units of synto in a 500ml bag of CSL is run through at 240ml/hr after the usual syntometrine jab in the leg.  It has become such routine that syntometrine isn't really considered active management anymore.Jo"
---- Original Message ----
From: Denise Hynd
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 12:52 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] 3rdStage Feedback

> Dear Ozmid list,
> I need to know or get some feedback about the prevelance of
> physiological third stage in Australia.
> That is are women being offered the option of birthing their
> placentas with out an oxytocic injection in Australain hospitals
> and is it standard practice to give women informed choice about this
> in homebirths (as I understand it)
> Personal expereinces of situations and protocols would be appreciated
> Thank you
> Denise

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