Oh Tania, your post bought tears to my eyes.
My 3rd babe was a water birth..as were my others. I had a very private labour, no VE"s etc. When the moment of bith came..(a feeling of great physical relief with my first 2 girls.. after the head, you understand) This little one, her head with the first contraction, shoulders, torso..then nothing....seemed like HOURS to me.....it was horrendous, I could feel her wriggling and kicking, then when the next contraction finally arrived, she shot out. When I finally found her in the water, she had a red ring around her waist, a bit like a belt, where she had "hung around" half in half out.
I have great births, but those minutes, where the longest of my life.......

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tania Smallwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005 5:02 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] just a thought

This has got me thinking...my first son was born in water, and his head was
born 7 minutes before the rest of his body followed.  We have excellent
video of his birth, it was broad daylight, and his colour was great for the whole time. I'm not sure if my midwife was worried at the time, if she was,
she sure didn't show it!  Admittedly he was a bit of a tight fit, at 4.5
kgs, but I'm so glad she didn't try and force him out sooner, or those very
broad shoulders just might have become wedged, knowing what I do now...

I've since been at lots of water births, and seeing a baby's head, pink or
purple doesn't worry me too much, it's the white ones that scare me.
Thankfully only one of those so far...but it's not uncommon I think for
there to be that break when the head is born.  Is this something that is
more specific to birth in water does everyone think?  I too remember like
Sally, thinking, ahhh, that was hard work, The land births I've been at have
all been much more of a fluid motion, baby crowns and rest of body follows
more quickly.

The other thing I've seen a lot in water is the baby stopping at the
hips,having a big moro reflex under the water and then continuing to birth
the buttocks and legs.  Anyone else see this much?

Sorry for the ramblings, just got me thinking about all that stuff...


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