Yes, she can turn up to any public hospital with midwifery services and not be turned away. Tell her to have a copy of antenatal paperwork she has (if she has it!!) and the midwives at the hospital can ring her orginal booking hospital and get any records/pathology faxed over - or at least that has happened to us in the past.

This is the sort of obs who needs a complaint written about him!! But it will turn into a "he said, she said" situation. If she goes back to him, take another person with her!!


From: "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Absolutely horrified!
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 15:44:48 +1100

One of the girls in my forums here in Melbourne just posted this - no wonder
she seemed upset when I saw her yesterday - I had no idea at the time:

"I have just had the worst night of my life, and its taken me 3 hours to
stop crying uncontrollably.

My Dr, who I've been seeing throughout my pg is on leave (bereavement), and
since I'm at 41 weeks, the midwives I'm seeing sent me to see the OB who's
filling in for him.

So I go for my appt.

First, he does a stretch & sweep without asking me or any prior warning.

Then he says he's booking me in to be induced tomorrow, which when I
questioned it he tells me I'm going to kill my baby cos I'm past 41 weeks.

The he goes on to say 'I'm not into any of that airy fairy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
deliver on the bed, on your back. I'm not a vet.'

So I said I was planning an active birth, (which is what my Dr prefers)
and he says I'll have to see someone else and good luck getting in to see
anyone else at this stage of the game.

So now I have no obstetrician, no doctor and I don't know what I'm going to
do. I'm seriously thinkg about fronting up tomorrow at the Royal Womens to
see if I can have my baby there instead of the hospital I'm booked in at -
can they turn you away if its a public hospital?"

This is appalling - beyond belief. my blood is boiling it really is..

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director,  <> &
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists

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