All the previous suggestions are great. As Liz says, we all have different circadian rhythms.  I worked 10 yrs of 3-4 nights /week ND with a young family. (years ago).  I used to be in bed by 9am, get up when kids came home at 3pm, then went to bed again at 8pm ready for a 10pm shift.  It is like having a small baby.  Never pass up the opportunity - Sleep when you get the chance. If you are lying there thinking “I can’t sleep”, Pretend.  You will soon go off. The “white noise” of relaxation music tapes helps too.  All the best, Mary Murphy



Hi Tanya, you will soon work out whether you prefer to sleep in the morning when you get home or later on before you go to work; it depends largely on how well you sleep, and othe personal factors, ie kids, people renovating houses next doors etc. You need a reasonably dark room to sleep in with as little noise as possible, and either a fan or airconditioner as it can get muggy sleeping during the day, and take the phone off the hook!!

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