I have deliberatley left replying  until today so as not to reply in haste
or anger and to try and understand where you are coming from.... Firstly I
agree with you that women are not morons; but the reality for many of us is
that the women we work with are not always willing to do extensive research
into a form of care that is presented to them, and for some research may
just involve logging onto  the internet and reading statements such as
Janets, I still believe that such a statment is too broad & could prove
problematic in such a situation. You are lucky if you work with women who
read research and make informed descisons because for many of us, our
realities are unfortuantely different and despite all the empowering in the
world some choose not to be like this. And I disagree with the accuracy of
Janets statement, as I am unable to find any literature that states that low
liquor means labour is imminent. And for some women, decreased liqour
volume, when present with other variables is indicative of an increased risk
to the well being of her baby.

In hindsight I probably could have worded my post better- my dismissiveness
related to the fact that I was presented with an opinion based paper as
evidence for Janets statement, and yes opinion counts, but as a health
professional I am also required to provide women with eveidence based
information. No disrespect was directed at anyone. Yes I still believe that
alittle knowledge can be dangerous. A perfect example is the woman who has a
normal healthy fetus and decreased liqour .....is told by the doc that she
must have IOL because there is a risk to the baby...she asks no further
questions...presents for IOL which fails and she goes to CS, and has a PPH..
is this not a case of alittle info being dangerous... am sure midwives have
countless such examples!  

And in regards to birthing womans innate wisdom well, again this is not
always the case unfortunately; as a woman presenting weekly from 32K, with
various aches and pains, in the hope that someone will suggest IOL because
she is tired of being pregnant is not being particulary wise. Not all woman
have the wisdom or the intuiton when it comes to their pregnancies and their
bodies that you speak of. In such a public forum I think we need to take
into account all the women who birth babies in this country...including
those who are experiencing less than normal pregnancies, and those too who
choose not to inform themselves adequately, or those who leave the choices
up to others.


PS my apologies if I offended anyone for my use of the word
'management'................I obviously require further tuition in the art
of political correctedness.....

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen &
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July 2006 12:12 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Low liquor was Trial of scar


"such a broad  unsupported statement could lead a woman to believe that the
current management of her pregnancy is incorrect because she read on this
list of very experienced midwives and doulas that decreased liqour was only
due to imminent labour."

Well, since women aren't morons, and pregnancy is not really an issue of
"management" but rather CARE and SUPPORT, I don't think we need to fear that
a woman reading research, evidence and opinion and making her own decisions
will truly be endangered by "a little bit of knowledge" - if she is able to
enjoy true control of her own pregnancy and birth and receive true care and
support.  Besides which I personally find no flaw in Janet's reasoning and
statement; it's accurate.  And this is a consumer list as much as it is a
Midwife and Doula list.

"Mary I was not 'dismissing" the opinions of Gloria Lemay, and I am aware of
her background."

Gloria Lemay's wisdom, experience and evidence based knowledge is not "the
opinion of an American Doula" (I don't know of many women with more claim to
the title of MIDWIFE than Gloria!) - besides which, I'm intrigued as to why
an American Doula's contributions would hold little weight anyway?  If you
ARE in fact aware of her background (as well as the fact that she can see
and post on this list), I would have thought you would have at least phrased
your dismissal more respectfully.  I also feel sad that wisdom, intuition,
instinct and common sense are rejected and that Midwives will disregard the
hard won wisdom of their own (Gloria made some colossal personal sacrifices
in honour of TRULY being with woman and providing REAL support and care).

Where is our respect for our real crones and our birthing women's innate

And I wouldn't "shoot an opinion from an Obstetrician down in flames" if
that opinion was accurate, fair, woman-centered, evidence-based, and

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