Title: Message
"such a broad  unsupported statement could lead a woman to believe that the current management of her pregnancy is incorrect because she read on this list of very experienced midwives and doulas that decreased liqour was only due to imminent labour."
Well, since women aren't morons, and pregnancy is not really an issue of "management" but rather CARE and SUPPORT, I don't think we need to fear that a woman reading research, evidence and opinion and making her own decisions will truly be endangered by "a little bit of knowledge" - if she is able to enjoy true control of her own pregnancy and birth and receive true care and support.  Besides which I personally find no flaw in Janet's reasoning and statement; it's accurate.  And this is a consumer list as much as it is a Midwife and Doula list.
"Mary I was not 'dismissing" the opinions of Gloria Lemay, and I am aware of her background."
Gloria Lemay's wisdom, experience and evidence based knowledge is not "the opinion of an American Doula" (I don't know of many women with more claim to the title of MIDWIFE than Gloria!) - besides which, I'm intrigued as to why an American Doula's contributions would hold little weight anyway?  If you ARE in fact aware of her background (as well as the fact that she can see and post on this list), I would have thought you would have at least phrased your dismissal more respectfully.  I also feel sad that wisdom, intuition, instinct and common sense are rejected and that Midwives will disregard the hard won wisdom of their own (Gloria made some colossal personal sacrifices in honour of TRULY being with woman and providing REAL support and care).
Where is our respect for our real crones and our birthing women's innate wisdom?
And I wouldn't "shoot an opinion from an Obstetrician down in flames" if that opinion was accurate, fair, woman-centered, evidence-based, and reasonable.

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