Title: Message

Point taken.  We are all so passionate and like the women feel we need to dddooo something!  BuT what??? REGARDS, mm


..I am trying to take the middle road here...such a broad  unsupported statement could lead a woman to believe that the current management of her pregnancy is incorrect because she read on this list of very experienced midwives and doulas that decreased liqour was only due to imminent labour. Lisa

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of Mary Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July 2006 9:10 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Low liquor was Trial of scar

You are correct. Prenatal testing is imperfect.  The problem is that women are led to believe that it is and action is taken on the results. It is the doctors who should be careful about making broad statements.  I recently attended a lecture on biophysical profiling given by a doctor doing her Masters in U/S prenatal diagnosis.  She stated that the biophysical profiling was just like a snapshot in time.  It could not predict what would happen tomorrow, nor next week.  Just at the moment it was taken; obviously research is done and extrapolated to the wider group of similar women and that is what we rely on.  By the way, Gloria Lemay is a very experienced American midwife.  She may be referred to as a doula for legal reasons, but she would put most of us to shame with her knowledge and experience. She is also very politically savvy as she has fought for the rights of birthing women for sooo long.  She has also spent time in jail because of her outspoken views.  Do not dismiss her opinions so lightly. MM


Janet am well aware of the imperfections in technologies used around birth - but I think we need to be careful when we make broad statements.

Lower liquor (and remember we measure VERY imperfectly) is normal at term - this is different from earlier in pregnancy.

Biophysical profiling is supposed to give this kind of information but is deeply flawed. To whit:

Suspect Diagnoses Come with Biophysical Profiling

----- Original Message -----

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