Hi Rachael,
I sometimes share your frustrations in wondering why on earth women choose
OB's to care for them - particularly when they whinge about them so much!
However what women are after is continuity of care because they want some
feeling of certainty over who is going to be with them when they birth in
short it gives them a feeling of security and the other main reason is the
perceived "quality" of the care because an OB is regarded in Australia as
the highest qualified of anyone to deal with pregnancy and birth.
The other astonishing fact is that OB's don't even need to lift a finger to
"market" themselves... it's all done for them by our medically supportive

Yesterday I had a reunion with a group who had received mixed care; some by
midwives some by private OB's and when they shared their stories and
discovered such big differences in the way they had been cared for; the
proof is in the pudding after all isn't it? A couple of them were saying
"I'm definitely going to a birth centre or have midwifery care next time!"

You might ask well why didn't they learn about this in the preparation
classes, well they did, but they often say they are not able to change late
in the pregnancy because they have already paid completely up front well in
advance to the OB and they worry about getting their money back, they assume
they can't, or they cannot get into a midwifery program or a birth centre at
a very late stage of pregnancy. 

The reunion confirms a lot for them as they share their stories, one of the
lovely couples yesterday had had a wonderful homebirth with the terrific
midwives at St George hospital and the rest of the group were thrilled for
them and listened to all the details "It was a wonderful 6 hour labour,
relaxing in a pool in the lounge room and the midwife just stayed quietly
next to me and it was very peaceful..." 

Warm hug

Julie Clarke 
Childbirth and Parenting Educator
ACE Grad-Dip Supervisor
NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer

Transition into Parenthood
9 Withybrook Pl
Sylvania NSW 2224.
T. (02) 9544 6441
F. (02) 9544 9257
Mobile 0401 2655 30

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dan & Rachael
Sent: Monday, 8 January 2007 10:19 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: [ozmidwifery] How do you deal with your fustrations?

I get so fustrated when I know people who choose subordinate (in my opinion)

levels of care.  What I mean is, healthy women who choose care under an 
obstetrician.  They get roped into the high tech repeated u/s, monitoring, 
for the "just in case" ignorant way of thinking.  They end up having highly 
intervened vaginal births (but they see as 'natural birth' because it is 
vaginal) or worse a necessary unnecessary cs. Does this make sense?

I have been up most of the night stewing over this, because a 4 of my 
rellies have recently choosen this type of care to end up with the same 
results... and they think I'm weird because I choose to birth at home!  OK 
so I'm a midwife (new at the game, but still), so maybe the extra knowledge 
helped me to make 'good' or appropriate choices for me, but what stops women

from investigating choices for themselves? Why do they so blindly give 
themselves to medical men in every sense of the word? Do women really 
believe that they don't have the power to birth themselves and that they 
really need help? Do they really think nature got it that wrong?  AHH!!

How do you get 'over it'? How do you talk with these women about birth in 
social conversatin without lecturing them?

Hope this makes sense.. i'm tired! 

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