Hi Kelly and all on this thread,
I agree that there is a great need for marketing Midwifery led care. In Maleny we have developed brochures and fliers and sent them around to all the GP practices also to childcare /Kindy etc. We are also putting an add in the local paper advertising our antenatal care. I have talked to the GP's and most are quite happy to recommend women to us, they feel they have plenty of work besides maternity care to keep them going. I think the biggest hurdle is to get it across to the general population that Midwives are actually trained to provide care and that Doctors are not necessarily the experts on 'normal' antenatal care. When surrounded by proactive consumers and pregnant women as I am a lot of the time, it is easy to forget that there are a lot of women who really don't care or aren't informed about antenatal care. This opinion brings me back to earth with a thud every now and then and I shake my head before getting back behind the barrow we have to push to facilitate change in the health setting....
Di M
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