You can restrict the Site Templates and Page layouts used by Subsites via UI or 

If you need to do this in the farm level you could lock down the default 
templates in the farm and force the administrators to use your custom 
template/site definition, could be done via a feature (eventhough changing 
webtemp.xml would do the job but not a recommended way)


Subject: best practice for site templates
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 15:53:30 +1000

Been researching for a while now and have finally decided I need advice.
For my client I need to create a series of custom team sites (40+) with custom 
branding applied, subsites, custom lists/libraries and views etc. In order to 
apply a custom master page in SP2010, I have enabled the publishing feature 
(any ideas how to go about customising master pages for non-publishing sites?). 
Unfortunately by (MS) design, enabling publishing disables the ability to save 
the site as a template (which was to be my solution).
So my question is, what is best practice to achieve a consistent site look and 
feel for multiple sites. MS blogs indicate that attempting to create  a 
template using _layouts/savetmpl.aspx is not supported and doesn’t work with 
customised css (I tried L).
The same blogs suggest using a custom site definition. This make administration 
easy as I can create a custom “DisplayCategory” that anyone with permission 
will have access to and provide all of the custom site definitions in there. I 
think this will work for me but found heaps of sites suggesting this is an 
upgrade nightmare….
Last option is to create a PowerShell script to do it all, which I am happy to 
do (and makes it easy to create some of the custom views I have in mind), but I 
am concerned that future users or administrators wont know about this script 
(i.e. they might just start from a blank site template instead of using the 
Any suggestions or alternatives???
Maxine Harwood | Solutions Architect
Red Box IT 
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