> - Given the objectives of the project, are there some problems and not so 
> well-known
> caveats I should be aware of when using a Chord-like protocol ? I'm aware of 
> the
> general litterature on Chord (optimal routing, rotating virtual nodes, 
> deBruijn graphs,
> ...). Should I look into something in particular ?

Do you plan to use the DHT also as a  storage facility, or just its
key-routing layer?
If you need storing values persistently and with some fault-tolerance
mechanism built-in, you might want to look carefully at how the
replication system works.
The Chord paper is far from being detailed from this point of view,
and in a real world implementation it's not trivial at all to get it
right. In particular, it's not trivial to tune the protocol parameters
to ideal values according to your context.
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