On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Pinda Ndaki wrote:
You may want to try Maypole from http://maypole.perl.org It's a very interesting project.

And even if you don't like maypole for some reason (like it makes your life too easy or something), Class::DBI which it is based on is very cool too. We use Class::DBI inside some Apache::ASP apps we've got and the combination is very nice. I'm working on taking some of the glue code we've developed and getting it onto CPAN, but its pretty easy stuff, particularly when compared to a variety of other solutions we've seen or tried. I looked at WebGUI a few years ago and went "blah", so if its the bomb I'd love to hear about how. I don't remember what made me go blah, but it turned me off enough that I never wanted to try it.


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