Regis St-Gelais said (on or about) 02/09/2009 07:42:
C# seems interesting since we already have exprerience with it on the desktop world.

Did you enconter technical issues or was it just a learning curve issue ?

The .NET library takes a little while to become familiar with but at the language level, C# is a piece of cake to learn for someone who knows C. I have limited experience with the CE/Windows Mobile environment but that's part of the reason why it was so easy for me to understand the Zen of Palm. MS wants to make the mobile like the desktop and Palm wanted the hand held device to be an extension of the desk top. I have seen Win Mobile apps that understood the Zen of Palm and were designed using similar approaches. But I think all of that is moving into the past. The current marketing paradigm is to sell services that use air time. We don't need to synchronize -- we just need
to send messages over the air.  This may be part of the reason that WebOS is
so oriented toward HTML/JavaScript -- the more air time used to send data
back and forth, the more money the mobile service provider gets to bill for.
They can afford to sell the devices and even the applications as loss leaders providing that they can use them to increase the revenue stream for the mobile

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