Dean -

your assumption as correct - there is  null character in between the
"fields" of your record.

just be sure thay when you read in your record, NOT from the start, that
you add 1 to the offset to include this null character.

for example the second field would be: 

StrCat(listChoice, precord + (length_of_first_record + 1);

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Rochester, Dean wrote:

> Hi
> I am new to this Palm OS programming and am working through databases.  My
> question is I have an example where the contents of a database record is
> read into a string.  The database record contains
> date, time, firstname, lastname
> The part I am fuzzy on is
> // append the first name to the character string
> StrCat(listChoice, precord + DB_FIRST_NAME_START);
> StrCat(listChoice, " ");
> What I make of this is that listChoice is getting appended to it the
> contents of the record starting at offset of 
> But how does it know when to stop adding characters to listChoice?  
> Points to the start of the field for First Name.

> Is there a NULL character between the fields in the record?  
> Thanks in advance
> Dean-O
> -- 
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