--- Max Bian wrote:
> I found function EncDES in encrypt.h in the 
> Core include directory.  Has anyone
> tried it?  Does it work at all?  I couldn't 
> find any ...

A google search for EncDES reveals that Greg Winton
discusses EncDES in his O'reilly book, "Palm OS
Network Programming - Writing Connected Applications
for the Palm" (which I haven't read).

And here is something posted at rudedog.org by Dave

Off the top of my head and untested, here is a 
function to encrypt or decrypt a string of 
arbitrary length.

#include <Encrypt.h>

UInt8 *
crypt_string(UInt8 *plaintext, UInt8 *key, UInt16
bufsize, Boolean encrypt)
  Char *outbuf;
  UInt16 i;

  outbuf = MemPtrNew(bufsize);
  for (i=0; i < bufsize; i += 8) {
    EncDES(&(plaintext[i]), key, &(outbuf[i]),
  return outbuf;


 Plaintext must be in a buffer that is exactly a 
 multiple of 8 characters long. Pad it with 0's 
 if the actual text isn't exactly a
 multiple of 8 long. 

 Key must be in a buffer that is at least 8 
 characters long. Pad the key with 0's if it's 
 shorter than 8 characters. Only the first 8 
 characters are used.

 You're responsible for freeing the returned 
 buffer when you're done with it.

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