> --- Max Bian wrote:
> > I found function EncDES in encrypt.h in the 
> > Core include directory.  Has anyone
> > tried it?  Does it work at all?  I couldn't 
> > find any ...

... And I just found an old post (Sun Oct 3, 1999) by
Ken Krugler who says that EncDES is only conditionally
supported.  Here's an excerpt:

  On a related topic, while EncDigestMD5() 
  should always be available on 2.0 or later 
  versions of Palm OS, note that EncDES() 
  (also added in 2.0) is conditionally 
  implemented - if you're running on a non-US 
  device, then calling that trap generates a 
  "DES Not Supported" fatal alert. To check 
  for the presence of this support, you'd 
  need to use FtrGet, as in:

  UInt32 attributes;
  Boolean hasDES;
  hasDES = (FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, 
    sysFtrNumEncryption, &attributes) == errNone)
    && ((attributes & 0x01) != 0);

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