On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 00:18:12 -0500, JB Parrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Have you taken a look at WinScreenLock() and WinScreenUnlock()? They are
>only available on Palm OS 3.5 or newer, but they'll let you update the form
>and have all the changes displayed at once.
>JB @ PalmSource
>on 11/10/02 9:15 PM, Michael Harrison at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'd still like to know what I could do to remove all the flicker (IE,
>> do all my resizing with drawing turned off and then cause the entire
>> form to be drawn when I'm done).

Thank you, that was exactly what I needed.  I had been too "form"
focused when I was looking through the documentation and completely
missed those routines.

  Michael S. Harrison
  (reverse the dot and at to send email)

* The opinions expressed here are those of my iguana
* and I never know what he's going to say next.

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