Mon Feb 08 03:46:09 2010: Request 42986 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by SMUELLER
       Queue: PAR
     Subject: Re: [ #42986] PAR-based modules use system XS modules 
over included modules
   Broken in: 0.984
    Severity: Important
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

Hi Toby, hi Roderich,

RSCHUPP via RT wrote:
>        Queue: PAR
>  Ticket <URL: >

> I think what happens is a kind of chicken and egg problem:
> - your .par contains different versions of File::Temp etc
>   than installed on the target machine
> - conceptually we would like "perl -MPAR foo.par"
>   to behave like 
>   - extract file.par into temporary directory /tmp/foo123
>   - run "perl -I/tmp/foo123 /tmp/foo123/"
>     (i.e. "/tmp/foo123" is at the start of @INC)
> - in order to get to the modules in the .par file, 
>   needs some modules, e.g. File::Temp
> - hence it already has loaded the target system's File::Temp
>   before it even gets to consider the (different) copy included
>   in the .par
> All modules cited in your report are in this category
> "required by to extract stuff from a .par file".
> (Digest::SHA1 is a special case that's even weirder.)
> Sorry, I see no sane way to make this work.

I agree. No sane way. But you may try to do something like this. I would 
probably not do it in production.

- Pack Class::Unload into your .par.
- Load the .par file (using system File::Temp)
- Load Class::Unload.
- Extract File/ from the .par file into the appropriate location 
of the temporary storage location. Just have a look, the layout is 
basically a normal lib/ dir. has hooks for loading the contents 
of a file from any loaded .par file.
- Run Class::Unload->unload('File::Temp')
- require File::Temp

This may or may not work. It's certainly one of the uglier hacks I've 
suggested in the past.

Best regards,

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