I think Mike has offered a rational approach. A suggestion has been offered 
and trying it once seems reasonable enough. Like Mike, I really have no 
interest in the topic, but I recognize that others may.

It seems to me that unsubscribing from the list over this issue might be 
just a tad extreme. Personally, the one thing that might convince me to 
unsubscribe is if I have to read one more threat to um... unsubscribe.


Larry Naessens
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Pietruk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: Free-For-All Friday

> Let me make another suggestion after reflecting on Bruce's and Jonathan's
> comments.
> First, let me say I have about as much interest in reading about personal
> broadcasts as taking a vacation into the eye of a category 5 hurricane.
> i could care less as I don't have an interest in homebrew internet radio
> as there is already plenty of mainstream streams out there.
> Having said this, and as Friday the 13th is a rather rare occasion, let's
> try this on Friday and see just what happens.
> After Friday, Tom can sit back and evaluate the results -- how many posts,
> how many negative ones posted publicly and privately, how many thank yous
> both ways, and all the rest.
> And see if it has a positive or negative impact on postings down the road.
> Maybe twice a month is too much, but maybe a few times a year (such as on
> Fridays the 13th might make sense.
> While this kind of posting has no interest to me, there are people out
> there that do value this kind of stuff.
> Bruce and Jonathan are right that there are other lists for this kind of
> thing; but, on the other hand, not everyone either knows about those lists
> or would care to be bombarded by the incessant repeats week after week of
> the same thing.
> These shows, whatever we think of them, are a part of the world of pc
> audio and show casing them for a day or so will hurt no one especially if
> we can code the subject lines.
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