I believe there is much on the internet that would be good for us to know
about and this is but one of those areas.  I just don't think this list
should be the showcase for it.  I enjoy this list because it has relatively
low traffic and I can get answers to my audio related questions from
knowledgeable people.  To stray from that would diminish the lists value to
me.  Allowing this stuff on special days or for trial periods is just a
compromise not worth making.  It might be good to point people in the
direction of those list where this material is advertised. 

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Mike Pietruk
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 8:16 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Free-For-All Friday

Let me make another suggestion after reflecting on Bruce's and Jonathan's
First, let me say I have about as much interest in reading about personal
broadcasts as taking a vacation into the eye of a category 5 hurricane.
i could care less as I don't have an interest in homebrew internet radio as
there is already plenty of mainstream streams out there.
Having said this, and as Friday the 13th is a rather rare occasion, let's
try this on Friday and see just what happens.
After Friday, Tom can sit back and evaluate the results -- how many posts,
how many negative ones posted publicly and privately, how many thank yous
both ways, and all the rest.
And see if it has a positive or negative impact on postings down the road.
Maybe twice a month is too much, but maybe a few times a year (such as on
Fridays the 13th might make sense.
While this kind of posting has no interest to me, there are people out there
that do value this kind of stuff.
Bruce and Jonathan are right that there are other lists for this kind of
thing; but, on the other hand, not everyone either knows about those lists
or would care to be bombarded by the incessant repeats week after week of
the same thing.
These shows, whatever we think of them, are a part of the world of pc audio
and show casing them for a day or so will hurt no one especially if we can
code the subject lines.

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