Hi everyone.  I have a problem converting a file I have.  It was sent to me
as an attachment from a friend who in turn received it from some one else.
It is a recording from a radio programme.  My problem is, it is 2.7mg in
size and I wanted to compress it further in order to embed it and send it
on.  However, when I tried to use Gold wave, it didn't recognize the file
and didn't list it on the list of audio files in my document folder.  I
tried Sound Taxi but again, it didn't appear in the list of files.  I can
play the file with WMA but it says that it doesn't recognise the file type
but may be able to play it anyway and do I want it to try.  I said yes and
it did.  It won't play in reel player or any other player I have except WMA
but with the proviso above.  I looked at the properties and it said the file
type was "file" but nothing else.  I turned on the extensions but although
all other files had an extension, this file did not, yet it is an audio file
as I can listen to it but can do nothing else with it.  If anyone has any
idea what file type it is and how I can get into it to edit it, I would be
appreciative.  Many thanks.  Walter.

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