Just to clear up something, vi-android meaning Android for the Visually 
Impaired and not for the Samsung S6, Nexus p6 etc.

The list is a fairly low traffic list but the great thing is that the people on 
the list - just about every one - knows exactly what they’re talking about so 
there’s a huge pool of knowledge both to be tapped and to contribute to.

I renewed my iTunes match for another year last week, that service has saved my 
bacon so many times not to mention making the organisation of my Music library 
across IOS devices so much easier.

I have documented how I use the Match service to help me find better versions 
of recordings I have sampled from LP or managed to get from other sources, for 
that reason alone iTunes Match is worth its weight in gold.

> On 23 Jan 2016, at 10:58 AM, Mary Otten <maryot...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I wasn't aware that there is another android-related list for the VI.
> I'm familiar with the eyes-free list, which is a google group and has
> lots of traffic. I don't see myself giving up iTunes match. I have a
> lot of stuff in there, and Apple recently raised the song limit to
> match others, so no problem there. I suspect it depends on what you're
> looking for as to which service you like better. There were some folk
> on the android list, which has a certain anti-apple tone to it rather
> often, who admitted that in their view Apple Music had more songs than
> Google. But the impression you get from an unsuccessful search or the
> opposite undoubtedly contributes to the opinion.  I had spotify for a
> while and dropped it. Same for Pandora. My pc is old and not connected
> to anything in the house, not even via airfoil. So even if I were
> interested in google music from the pc, it wouldn't be this pc. <smile>
> Mary

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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