pca does a great job at parsing the patchinfo / README files to determine if
a reboot is required, recommended or what have you.
My understanding it is that the logic between patchinfo and what PCA spits
out works like this:

reconfigimmediate --> "Reconfig required"
rebootimmediate --> "Reboot required"
reconfiglater --> "Reconfig recommended"
rebootlater --> "Reboot Recommended"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when pca comes across a 'reconfig immediate'
patch, for example *137137-09*, shouldn't it stop dead in it's path and
prompt the user to reboot before proceeding with further patches? I think it
just keeps on trucking until all the patches in it's list are done, doesn't
it? I jsut want to be sure because I've had horrible luck in the past when I
so much as add another single patch after a kernel patch like the one I
mention unless I reboot first.

Maybe I should just employ --stopafter and supply a list of all kernel
patches? But I was hoping pca would just stay ahead of the curve for me. :)

Thanks for any insight.

Fred Chagnon

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