> Glen Gunselman wrote:
>> I see some comments at the bottom of
>> http://wikis.sun.com/display/SunSolve/How+Entitlement+Works
>> indicating problems with entitlements after recent changes on Sun's end
> Thanks for pointing me at this - I seem to have the same problem as
reported by "kevinriver". Starting a few days ago it suddenly wasn't
possible for me to download Solaris 9 patches anymore; Solaris 10
patches work fine. I do have the "Solaris10SoftwareUpdates" entitlement,
but none for Solaris9 or "AllSolarisUpdates" (anymore? I'm not sure
which were listed before).
> I can't map the contract I have on paper from the local reseller to any
of the current support offerings from Sun/Oracle - and it doesn't talk
about specific Solaris versions - so I wasn't sure whether that's a
problem with SunSolve or Oracle doing some stricter enforcement on patch
policy again. After the posting by "Miriam_at_home2" I have hope again

I don't like stating truisms, however if you look outside and see that
water is falling from the sky, this is because it is raining. If you see
that you can not get patches for free anymore for Solaris 8 or 9 or 10
then that is because you can not get patches for them anymore. At least
not freely. This is the Oracle way of business and it is about making
revenue based on a valuable service. I have no idea why there are people
that even blink at this as if it is a surprise in any way.

Now then on to other issues.

Dennis Clarke
dcla...@opensolaris.ca  <- Email related to the open source Solaris
dcla...@blastwave.org   <- Email related to open source for Solaris

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