I guess I'm mistaken, Hugh.  Every once in a while I write an email to this
list that never appears.  I go back and look at what I sent and to make sure
I deleted the PC works tag and all seems ok. But, the missing mail always
seems to contain the word... ok I'll say it... virus. I always thought that
was pretty silly blocking the word virus as if any self respecting virus
would label itself.  Then I saw someone else using the vi*us approach and
seemed to recall somewhere a discussion that there were words that would
cause the list to block an email.   

Boy do I feel liberated now.  Virus, virus, virus, virus ... ;-)

Ben Moore

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Hugh Vandervoort
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007 12:20 AM
To: pcworks@imagicomm.com
Subject: Re: PCWorks: Avg Free or Avast Free

So, you're saying that If I write, "Virus", this email won't go through?
How about virus without quotes?

Ben Moore wrote:
> Hi Harold,
> The Avg free is fine.  I tried both Avg and Avast and liked the Avg
> The thing Clint and I and others have been talking about is the Avg
> anti-spyware not the A/V.  I've discovered you can't write the word vi*us
> this list or the mail doesn't ever go through.  
> Zone Alarm's principle function is as a firewall.  I would not stop using
> it.   
> I haven't tried Windows defender but that's a personal thing.  I will not
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