On Feb 20, 2012, at 5:53 AM, Ángel Faraldo wrote:

> On Feb 19, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012, at 11:19, Ángel Faraldo wrote:
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>
>>>> Date: February 18, 2012 9:02:07 PM GMT+01:00
>>>> To: Ángel Faraldo <angelfara...@gmail.com>
>>>> Cc: João Pais <jmmmp...@googlemail.com>, "pd-list@iem.at List" 
>>>> <pd-list@iem.at>
>>>> Subject: Re: [PD] new editing features of Pd-extended 0.43, now in beta!
>>>>> also frequent and irregular audio clicks on mac OSX 10.6.8, no matter how 
>>>>> big the delay time is set to in the audio properties. (Tested with 'test 
>>>>> audio/midi patch'  @ SR 44100 and 48000 Hz with built-in audio, 
>>>>> portaudio).
>>>> What kind of computer and audio interface are you using?
>>> macbook pro 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with OSX 10.6.8. I tested it with
>>> the built-in audio and a RME Fireface 800 with similar results.
>> I'm on a very similar machine',  a MacBook pro 3 - 2.4ghz running
>> 10.6.8.  Ive never seen this before.  I don't have any external
>> interface, perhaps its related to the drivers from your interface? Just
>> a guess. Do other audio apps work? Like Audacity?  It also uses
>> portaudio.
> Actually I have tried it on an older macbook without problem, but on my 
> computer keeps on clicking awfully if I use portaudio --I attach a mp3 file 
> with the output--. If I select jack there are no clicks. Besides, the audio 
> in Audacity works perfectly fine.
> (These tests were done with the mac built-in audio and with a RME fireface 
> 800 with similar results).
> <pd_testAudio_44100_20msec_portaudio.mp3>

What happens if you increase the Delay (msec) in the Audio Settings to 
something like 50?


> ángel
>> Please file a bug report on this one too.
>> .hc
>>>> Hmm yeah, [cputime] does seem broken.  Could you post a bug report please?
>>> done
>>> ángel faraldo
>>>> .hc
>>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:54 PM, Ángel Faraldo wrote:
>>>>> Hi there, 
>>>>> also frequent and irregular audio clicks on mac OSX 10.6.8, no matter how 
>>>>> big the delay time is set to in the audio properties. (Tested with 'test 
>>>>> audio/midi patch'  @ SR 44100 and 48000 Hz with built-in audio, 
>>>>> portaudio).
>>>>> also, [cputime] appears not to work.
>>>>> (pd-0.43.1-extended-20120218-macosx105-i386)
>>>>> Ángel Faraldo
>>>>> _________________
>>>>> www.angelfaraldo.info
>>>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 6:41 PM, João Pais wrote:
>>>>>> It sounds as if the audio isn't synced to the system card, or something. 
>>>>>> The sinus in the audio test patch has lots of irregular clicks, almost 
>>>>>> as if they would be dropouts.
>>>>>>> What do you mean by noisy?  Can you give more information?  I really 
>>>>>>> don't know much about Windows, so I rely on others to tell me how 
>>>>>>> things there should be handled.  patco and pob have been doing a lot of 
>>>>>>> valuable work there.
>>>>>>> .hc
>>>>>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:13 PM, João Pais wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>>>>> great job. But, here in XP, I get audio problems: trying to run with 
>>>>>>>> asio (as I always do with 0.42), the audio is very noisy.
>>>>>>>> Audio options are -asio -audioindev 2 -audiooutdev 2 -channels 2 
>>>>>>>> -midiindev 1 -midioutdev 1 -audiobuf 40, and they always worked with 
>>>>>>>> previous versions of pd-ext.
>>>>>>>> João
>>>>>>>>> http://at.or.at/hans/blog/2012/02/17/new-editing-feature-of-pd-extended-0-43-now-in-beta/
>>>>>>>>> The Pd-extended 0.43 release has been brewing an extra long time, 
>>>>>>>>> about 18 months now, mostly because there are lots of big 
>>>>>>>>> improvements, and we wanted to make sure we got it right, so your 
>>>>>>>>> patches all work, but the improvements all shine. Its now solidly 
>>>>>>>>> beta, so we’re looking for testers. Download a nightly build to try 
>>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>>> http://autobuild.puredata.info/auto-build/latest/
>>>>>>>>> First off, the pd-gui side of Pd has been re-written from scratch. 
>>>>>>>>> When you run Pd, you are actually running two programs: pd is the 
>>>>>>>>> core engine and pd-gui is the GUI. Since basically all computers now 
>>>>>>>>> come with multiple CPU cores, this means that pd-gui will usually run 
>>>>>>>>> on a separate CPU core than pd, so they don’t step on each other’s 
>>>>>>>>> toes. pd can entirely take over its own core. If you want to make 
>>>>>>>>> your patch use more CPU cores, then check out the [pd~] object 
>>>>>>>>> introduced in the last release (0.42.5).
>>>>>>>>> pd still handles some of the GUI stuff, but we are working on 
>>>>>>>>> splitting that out for the 0.44 release. That is a big chunk of work 
>>>>>>>>> but it will also bring big gains. In particular, it means that it 
>>>>>>>>> will be possible for people to write their own GUIs for Pd, covering 
>>>>>>>>> not just the display of the patch, but also the editing, and 
>>>>>>>>> everything else. You like OpenFrameworks, python, iOS, JUCE, Qt, 
>>>>>>>>> etc.? Write your own pd-gui using the toolkit of your choice. That’s 
>>>>>>>>> the idea at least. That will take a solid chunk of work, so we are 
>>>>>>>>> looking for people to join that effort.
>>>>>>>>> There are so many ideas for making a better editing experience in Pd, 
>>>>>>>>> this release makes big strides to address the editing experience. 
>>>>>>>>> There are new features like Magic Glass, Autotips, Autopatch and Perf 
>>>>>>>>> Mode, all available on the Edit menu.
>>>>>>>>> • Magic Glass let’s you magically see the messages as they pass 
>>>>>>>>> through the cords. Just turn it on and hover above a cord, and you’ll 
>>>>>>>>> see the messages as they go by. You can even look at signal/audio 
>>>>>>>>> cords.
>>>>>>>>> • Autotips gives you tips about what an object does, what its inlet 
>>>>>>>>> expects, and what comes out of the outlets.
>>>>>>>>> • Autopatch mode automatically connects objects as you create them.
>>>>>>>>> • Perf Mode, is a mode for performance that makes it harder to 
>>>>>>>>> accidentally close windows that are part of your performance.
>>>>>>>>> The Pd Window is also majorly overhauled. First of all, its fast. 
>>>>>>>>> Much much faster than the old one. You can now print thousands of 
>>>>>>>>> messages per second to the Pd Window and still edit your patch. No 
>>>>>>>>> more will an accidental dump of info cause the GUI to freeze up 
>>>>>>>>> (well, ok, maybe if you send 10,000 messages/second but that is a way 
>>>>>>>>> too many). There are also now 5 levels of printing messages to the Pd 
>>>>>>>>> Window: fatal, error, normal, debug, all. If you are only interested 
>>>>>>>>> in fatal errors, switch the Pd Window to 0 – fatal, and you’ll only 
>>>>>>>>> see the worst problems. You want to see every single message to 
>>>>>>>>> debug? Switch to 4 – all, and you’ll get the whole firehose.
>>>>>>>>> There is also the new log library, which lets you easily send 
>>>>>>>>> messages for those different levels. And all messages logged with the 
>>>>>>>>> objects from the log library are clickable: when you Ctrl-Click or 
>>>>>>>>> Cmd-click (Mac OS X) on the line in the Pd Window, it’ll pop up the 
>>>>>>>>> patch where the message came from, and highlight the specific object 
>>>>>>>>> that printed it. That even works for many messages from other objects 
>>>>>>>>> as well.
>>>>>>>>> The Pd Window also includes very basic level meters for monitoring 
>>>>>>>>> the input and output levels. And for those who want to play with the 
>>>>>>>>> GUI in realtime, you can type Tcl code in the Tcl entry field, and 
>>>>>>>>> directly modify and probe the running GUI.
>>>>>>>>> One thing that you can do now is customize the GUI using GUI plugins. 
>>>>>>>>> You can change all sorts of colors, some fonts, and many behaviors. 
>>>>>>>>> Want to create a new object when you triple-click? Try the 
>>>>>>>>> tripleclick example plugin Want to make the patch cords disappear 
>>>>>>>>> when you leave Edit Mode? Check out the “only show cords in edit 
>>>>>>>>> mode” example. Those are the simple ones. There is also Tab 
>>>>>>>>> Completion, a search engine for the docs, a category browser for the 
>>>>>>>>> right-click menu, a buttonbar for creating objects, and more.
>>>>>>>>> You can find many GUI plugins in the new section of the downloads 
>>>>>>>>> page as well as documentation for making your own. What kind of GUI 
>>>>>>>>> plugin will write?
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Friedenstr. 58
>>>>>>>> 10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
>>>>>>>> Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
>>>>>>>> Studio +49 30 69509190
>>>>>>>> jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during 
>>>>>>> that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big 
>>>>>>> Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.      - General Smedley Butler
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Friedenstr. 58
>>>>>> 10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
>>>>>> Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
>>>>>> Studio +49 30 69509190
>>>>>> jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
>>>>>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
>>>>>> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
>>>>> Ángel Faraldo
>>>>> _________________
>>>>> www.angelfaraldo.info
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during 
>>>> that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big 
>>>> Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.      - General Smedley Butler
>>> Ángel Faraldo
>>> _________________
>>> www.angelfaraldo.info
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
>>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
>>> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
> Ángel Faraldo
> _________________
> www.angelfaraldo.info


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