If you like action, you will have a ball this weekend.  A gymkhana is basically
parking lot racing.  The speeds aren't excessive, but they seem like that
because of the tight course.  Some people refer to it as flat out racing in
first gear.

As our English readers know, the Mini Cooper is just a bread box on tiny
wheels, but it is a blast to drive.  It had one of the first rotary engines
that the Mazda RX7 later made so popular.

For safety reasons, I would prefer to position myself on the inside of the
course.  Centrifugal force pushes most of the cars away from you at that point.
 I like to get right in the middle of a curve so that you can prefocus and then
follow the cars all the way around the curve.  I don't think I would bother
with a monopod.  I couldn't follow the action.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> This weekend, I will be out at our annual mid winter carnival
> (motto: This will make you appreciate July). A friend is
> participating in a Gymkhana (?), which is apparently, an auto
> race of some sort.
> As an aside, one of the participants will be running an  Mini
> Cooper which has lug bolts mounted through the tyres for
> traction on the ice.
>     This might be prime territory for some photography.
> So, I am wondering if there is any wisdom out there to share
> with me. I know about the cold, what I would like to know is
> stuff like where abouts on the track is a good place to position
> onself, and what sort of focal lengths are best, and that sort
> of stuff.
>     I am thinking of taking an LX or two with winder, and the
> 80-200 f2.8. Probably break out the monopod, and go off and have
> some fun. Any suggestions or hints are appreciated.
> Thanks
> William Robb
Kenneth Archer + San Antonio, Texas
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