----- Original Message -----
From: David Brooks
Subject: Re: Basic copyright

> Two years ago,one of our national horse magazines called me
and aske if i
> had some pictures from a specific event.I did,sent them in and
they called
> back to say they were using 2 and will mail the check(they
> I did mention that even though  i knew the riders and they
were under 16
> years of age,did i need them to sign a release.
> No one knew.
> I did a verbal with the parents anyway and of coarse they sais
yes.(kid in a
> magazine whoo hoo)

Thats called CYA. If the people were recognizable, and the
pictures were not being used for news distribution purposes. you
should have had a signed model release. Verbal permission isn't
worth the paper it is written on.

William Robb

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