Exactly my point Bob. Mike seems to think he and all photographers don't need 
to follow any rules. He is sorely mistaken. I don't feel like arguing the 
point in every great detail because it is not worth it to me. There are 
compositional rules and if he dosn't want to use them that's fine with me. If 
he thinks they don't exist, that's fine with me too. If he thinks he is 
helping new photographers by telling them there are no rules of composition, 
he is doing them a great diservice. 
Artistic composition is something that is learned. There are rules to follow 
that would immediately improve many images. When photographers develop an eye 
for composition, it becomes second nature. When it becomes second nature, is 
probably a good time to begin breaking the rules...

In a message dated 12/31/02 4:30:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>he point is that you're right. Great golfers no longer think about the
>angle of their shin-bone or whatever, they just do it. Nevertheless you
>bet your sweet ass that Tiger Woods learned the rules somewhere along the
>line, modified them to suit himself and made them second nature.

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