Well, if you really want to get into it you can have quite a bit of control.
There are "color temperature" meters. There are precise color correction
filters. There are color references that can be used to calibrate
everything. But most of us are satisfied with a more subjective approach
unless we are doing some kind of scientific work.


----- Original Message -----

> But I was also under the impression the photographer might be able to
control color a bit too. There is no doubt that things change color
depending on the time of day they are shot (well, things outside). How much
a photographer can control color, I'll still have to figure that out --
becoming familiar with different film types combined with different
exposures and times of day.
> I am appalled, because it seems that when it comes to color negatives
photography seem to enter the realm of the mystical. i.e. -- Hey, it's
subjective what color negative film is, so it's subjective what color the
prints will come out.

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