Print film colour more accurate?

There are many different print and slide films. Which ones are you
comparing? I'm sure that this might be true for some combinations, but I
have generally found the opposite to be true.


Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002


> > Print film is more colour accurate than slide film.
> Wow! What a fantastic reply -- thank you very, very much.
> Okay, I take back some of what I said -- the appalled part :-) It sounds
like an extremely complicated process that could easily go wrong -- even if
one could do it onesself to try to satisfy oneself (be able to afford it and
be able to set up one's own home lab).
> And I find it EXTREMELY interesting that you and the lab guy I talked to
agree -- that print film is more color accurate.


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