Dosk wrote:

> But in reading back posts recently, I did notice something that stuck out.
> And that is, the new camera's greater resemblance to a ZX5n than a PZ1p....
> (ie; 1.8fps advance, aperture priority set by physically moving aperture
> ring off  "A", shutter priority set the same way with a speed control top
> knob....)
> Sounds just like a ZX-5n here, no?
> No Hyper P or Hyper M modes?
> No Av or Tv dial wheels?
> So to me it looks like Pentax is now shifting its R+D priorities over to the
> MZ/ ZX line, and away from the PZ's....
> I wonder why?

The reason is simple; the MZ-series is hugely sucessful and is a money maker. The Z-1p 
is not; it has been dead in most market a long time and in some it has never been 
alive at all. 
In addition, Pentax upper level customer base is founded on the LX. Hence, a user 
interface that maintain the logic of the LX makes sense. The MZ-S does have hyper 
modes albeit in a different way than the Z-1p. The MZ-S is a very much more capable 
machine than the MZ-5n.
The LX comparison is probably not a coincidence. Its price makes it comparable to the 
LX. Its user interface as well based on a traditional usage of the aperture ring (wich 
practically rules out future lenses without aperture rings) and a shutterspeed dial 
placed where it traditionally was. They have removed seldom used features among LX 
owners: how many use interchangeable viewfinders and own the motor drive? Back in '96 
Pentax engineers said they were working on a sturdy, professional slr closer to the LX 
than the Z-1p. I don't think the MZ-S is that camera but I do believe the MZ-S may 
have inherited some characteristics from that camera: the built quality and the user 
I'm quite surprised that Pentax indeed market the MZ-S. Its a rather risky proposal; 
its very different from the competition. A top fps speed of 2,5 and economy in 
exposure options (compared to the Z-1p) will make many to consider it expensive. It 
signalizes that Pentax have made it for their customer base and that they have pretty 
mnuch ignored the competitions approach to this market segment. I'm still asthonished 
on how close it is to the wishes expressed on this forum regarding the "MZ-1"; the 
compact, lightweight pro class camera.


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