Hi Heiko,

> You lucky one. BTW - is there an official possibility to visit
> Pentax Germany and have a look at their facilities and work?

I don't think that the offer any "guided tours," but you can always call
them and ask.  The place is actually rather small, and the photo storage
is not in Hamburg but in Brussels.  Still, the repair fascility and some
display cases have proved most interesting...

> Great pictures. Especially the LX cuts. But I still wonder who
> did buy this golden hammer...

Pentax bought body from a private person.  I guess this is the same
person who offered the camera on eBay, and then stopped the auction
because he received an independant offer.  This was the XM803 body.

> And why does digital rule?? Did you notice any new digital Pentax
> cameras there? More input, please...:-)

Well, digital rules because of the new possibilities.  I was given a few
hours to photograph the 50+ items, and I had to get it right.  So I took
my lighting setup, the Casio QV-4000, and a laptop, and went in.  After
taking 5-6 pictures, I uploaded them on the laptop, made sure that
everything looks good, and then went on.  Three minutes after I was done
shooting, I could see the images, and I could have diceded to redo some
of them.

I have not made any big enlargements from the 4 MP camera.  But when my
goal are images that will be viewed on a computer, I always do them with
the digital camera.

While at Pentax, I did get to hold the new Optio S and I also saw it
taken apart.  I did ask about a K-mount digital, and they said that they
really have no information... other than Pentax Japan has said that they
will show such a camera on the PMA in February and on CEBIT in
Hannover.  I guess I will make the journey to Hannover this time...


I did get to play some with the FA* 600/4 mounted on an MZ-S...

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