Thanks again for your felicitations. Alexander now is 3 days old, and he is developing very very well. Yuliya and I even got enough sleep this night, and we are very, very happy!!

For taking picures of Alexander this is the gear that I am using at the moment:
MZ5N with fast colour film Kodak Supra 800
LX with (not really so fast) slide film Kodachrome 200 or Fujichrome Sensia 400
for some very few pictures taken with flash: Z1-P with AF280T flash indirect light to combine with direct internal flash, Sensia 100.
Actually, all of the bodies are too loud. I wish I had a ME Super.
The lenses that I use most are a K50/f1.2 and an A85/f1.4 with 12mm extension ring (a newborn baby's face is so small). With the weather being so grey, this is one of the first times that I really need the speed of these lenses (f1.8 or 2 often is not enough). With more light, the F100/f2.8 Macro will get used, too.


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