At 09:11 PM 2/25/01 -0800, you wrote:
How do you guys cheat the PZ1-p to do Slow Flash?

You need to shoot in manual. Set the shutter and aperture to what you want, and shoot.  (See pg 93 of the manual.)

You can simplify this by setting Pentax Function 6 to 1, which leaves the aperture value fixed and changes the shutter value when you hit the IF button.  Also set Pentax function 7 to 0, so the camera does not automatically set the shutter to a high enough speed to allow hand holding.

I do this when shooting birds. The body won't take the shutter speed below 1/60th when using the A-400 lens, so if it gets cark enough I switch to hypermanual and use the IF button to shoot with flash at speeds below 1/60.

Hope this helps.


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Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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