
Bruce, without disrespect, the aesthetical qualities of the snaps your
daughters shot with their DP&S - how good are they?

Don't misunderstand me, I am not against Digital. However, I think
that instant feedback will have some kind of negative impact of, how to
put it, uninspired perhaps, amateur photographer.

Let me give an example from my profession - programming. Debugging
with trace which I did quite a lot somehow had me thinking much more
as to where could be a problem __before__ I'd go to the lab again and
have the sucker executed once more to get me more evidence. At the
same time, debugging with full of bells and whistles interactive
debugger can be very long. The beauty of the beast just kills my will
to actually think the problem through - I can have infinitely more
runs at the same time I would get one trace from the lab.

To translate it to photo-language I'd try. Film photography,
especially towards the end of the film cartridge makes you think very
well as to why, how and when you're taking the shot. Actually, even
when the film is just loaded one is already limited to 36 exposures.
Digital photography however is about - keep shooting until you get
what you want. Sometimes it is good - say for M Reichmann who recently
seemed to have shot some wild birds. Sometimes it is very bad - you
just missed the moment that would never come again, and because you
have this wondrous alumo-box full of electronics and software - you
did not care to set up it quite right.

Furthermore, I have MZ-6 which is a smart little camera. To tell you
the truth I am in process of buying an ME-Super so that I would be
able to learn more of the way things are done, instead of just relying
on Pentax programmers and electronics engineers.

Again, if you're just shooting for snaps and not in order to study
the craft (don't kick me all around because I called photography
craft, ok? <bg>), then P&S or DP&S is the way to go. And of course
DP&S is way more convenient.

Just my cents.

Boris Liberman

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