Boris Liberman wrote:

> Hi!
> Something unusual happened to my latest submission to PhotoSIG. During
> two days more than 150 people saw the picture (which is a lot to my
> level) but only one of them said a word.
> Here is the link:
> I'd like to know what do you think of it. Please, do criticize. I
> really hope there is no rule on PDML that every single photo that is
> posted to PDML should be just praised and applauded to...
> Thanks in advance.

Well, ok -
Boris, it is pretty enough, but doesn't really grab one.  A nice stock
photo shot.  It has neither serious
flaws or anything that makes one go "oh, wow!"  - that is probably why you
got few comments.
But there is a problem - at least with the browser I was using just now _
The page is extremely distracting.
the photo overlaps some of the text.  I'll take a look at it later from
aol and from explorer to see if it does
the same thing.  I have my preferences set for a somewhat larger type than
usual but that really should
not matter.  I understand you didnt "design" this (Well, at least I think
not!) presentation style but
it sure hurts your photo.

I'm writing to the list instead of your sight as I don't like to have to
SIGN IN to anything on the web
that I don't need to.

annsan critique at large

> ---
> Boris Liberman

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