> Well, it's your choice.
> I have a young son in the army who's already shipped out. I hope we don't
> see another Hanoi Jane (or Baghdad Mike) or some similar thing rise out of
> this bullshit to the peril of my son or others due to such idiocy. I watched
> fools like you help to cause the death of my fellows in Viet Nam. Knowledge
> is knowing what has to be done. I believe your "knowledge" to be faulty.
> Even if it isn't, wisdom is knowing when to do what has to be done. You have
> demonstrated your lack of this necessary quality.
> Have a nice day, twit, and be careful of your contribution to putting many
> young men and women in peril.

I appreciate your family's contribution to the security of the nation and I
sincerely hope no harm comes to your son, but how does my being in favor of
impeaching Bush deserve ANY of the insults you've made here?

I didn't vote for Bush, I don't like the guy, I don't approve of him, I
think he's a radical, I think he's an idiot, I think he's a warmonger, I
think he's been an unmitigated disaster for the country since the day after
the last election, and if we could send him packing back to Texas where he
belongs we'd all be better off, in the short term, in the long term, at
home, and abroad. In my opinion.

If Bush were not President your son would not be in imminent peril of
combat, since Bush and the members of his administration are the main
instigators of this action in the first place. Europe doesn't support it,
the U.N. doesn't support it, it's not a response to the attack on the WTC,
the American people don't understand the need for it, and Bush and Rumsfeld
won't tell us why want to do it.

So they're about to blow the crap out of Baghdad. How the hell should I know
why they're doing it? Oil? Politics? Warmongering? Too much saber-rattling
to back down now? Can't find bin Laden and got to take it out on somebody?
Christ, I have no idea. But whatever the reason is, they're the twits who
are putting your son and his friends in peril, not me. I have nothing to do
with any of it.


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