> > Mike Johnston wrote a lengthy political opinion piece.
> I did NOT write a "lengthy political opinion piece." I defended myself
> against a bile-spewing, stupidly reasoned, invective-strewn post that
> referred to me as "Baghdad Mike," called me a twit, and implied that I was
> somehow (?) endangering the lives of American soldiers.
> That's what I was doing. I reserve the right defend myself against _ad
> hominem_ attack...or at to least try to do so.

It was long. It was about your political opinions. You wrote it. 

That you felt that you were viciously attacked and had the right to defend 
yourself doesn't change those facts above.

What you're now saying is that you didn't start it. Which, I agree, you didn't. 
You did, however, help make the whole scene considerably nastier than it was 
originally. And whatever your motives, "I did NOT write a 'lengthy political 
opinion piece'" is simply untrue. I hadn't even called it a bile-spewing, 
stupidly-reasoned, invective-strewn political opinion piece. Which, by the way, 
it was.


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