On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 03:05  PM, Bob Walkden wrote:

Picasso was an astonishingly good draughtsman.




Nothing astonishing about that.

What I found (in my days as an art student) curious was the number of fellow students who dismissed the ability to draw or paint in a "realistic" mode as something uncool, not really connected to Art except in a historic sense. They were busy making bad copies of contemporary art without understanding that most of the people they were aping had developed and honed control of their tools via very traditional, representationalist means.

Once you master your tools and techniques, you have the power to place every element where you want it and the freedom to explore, bend or break "rules" as you please. Not mastering the Craft aspect of an art one wishes to practice is astonishing.

Soapbox mode off.

Dan Scott

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