Pål wrote:

"...but the fact is that
> never have there been released a DSLR that created
> less interest."

Yeah and it's called the Olydat by Olympus.

Go to Dpreview again. A new discussion on the *ist D
started & says how that and the 10D will kill Minolta.
Also, there's general dislike for this new Olympus.


P.S. Pål you need to start your own Olympus DSLR
discussion group. Hey are you selling of your Pentax
35mm gear?

--- _Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike wrote:
> > I think they hit a home run with the looks of the
> thing. I would certainly
> > not be ashamed to be seen with it.
> You may think what you like but the fact is that
> never have there been released a DSLR that created
> less interest. You may ask yourelf why. I'm not
> saying I have the ultimate answer to this question
> but it certainly is worth reflecting over. 
> Pål 

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