----- Original Message -----
From: "Taz"
Subject: Re: wrong iso choosen

> William
> Rather then rant, why not just tell me what film and process can be pushed
> in a color print type film.  I just want to know how to push film and get
> properly processed when I only have a 800 ISO film with me and am told
> I'm already there that using my flash is not allowed so that I have other
> options.  Not to mention the fact that I can't even find a 1600 ISO film
> the town I live in.  The bigger city about 50 miles away has one store
> has it some of the time.  I scan my own negatives so I very rarely worry
> about prints from a lab.  If this has already been discussed to death and
> gone over and over...point me to where I can read about it.  I don't know
> how to access the achieves from this group yet.

Sorry, this subject comes up fairly regularly. My stand is that attempting
to increase film speed via push processing doesn't work. Not on any film
type. Not at all.
OTOH there are several list member who claim to get good results with push
I think they are deluding themselves.

If you go here:
and enter "push processing" into the search box, you will come up with 144
hits on the subject.
Maybe even 145 now......

William Robb

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