Hi, Taz,

Don't mind all the grumpy old (and not so old) folks on this list.  I ain't no
expert at all, but here's my take on this:

Colour negative film is, AFAIK, all C41 process these days (someone correct me
if I'm wrong, and perhaps provide examples of colour neg film that isn't, just
for my edification).  C41 film can't be pushed.  It is tolerant to one stop over
or under-exposure (I can say that from personal experience), and likely two
stops, as many on this list have said before.  So, as for your particular
situation, set the ISO dial to the proper number, expose the rest of your film
at that number, and bring it in to the lab.  Don't bother telling them anything
- they'll just process it, the machine will make whatever processing adjustments
it has to, and you probably won't notice ~too much~ difference in exposure.

AFAIK, (despite Mr. Robb's protestations to the contrary - and I acknowledge his
expertise in this field, along with my lack of same <g>), "real" B&W (as opposed
to this new-fangled C41 process B&W stuff) can be pushed or pulled, however it
will affect things like the graininess and contrast of the prints to some
extent, depending on the film you use - some films are more tolerant of
push/pulling than others.

Does this answer your question?  <vbg>


Taz wrote:

> William
> Rather then rant, why not just tell me what film and process can be pushed
> in a color print type film.  I just want to know how to push film and get it
> properly processed when I only have a 800 ISO film with me and am told after
> I'm already there that using my flash is not allowed so that I have other
> options.  Not to mention the fact that I can't even find a 1600 ISO film in
> the town I live in.  The bigger city about 50 miles away has one store that
> has it some of the time.  I scan my own negatives so I very rarely worry
> about prints from a lab.  If this has already been discussed to death and
> gone over and over...point me to where I can read about it.  I don't know
> how to access the achieves from this group yet.
> Honestly I'm finding it sad that a simple question is met with so much
> sarcasm.  I wasn't aware that this group is only for advanced amatuers and
> pros.  Now you've got me being sarcastic....jeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssh!!!
> Taz

"Honour - that virtue of the unjust!"
-Albert Camus

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